IP: notaraelm.serveminecraft.net


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About Us | 1.14-1.17 World | 1.18 World | Whitelist Apllication

About our Server:
Our server was started in June of 2019 and for the last two and a half years we have been playing on the same world. We have had over 100 people join the server from all over the world, including places like the US, England, Canada, Norway, and Lithuania. Our world is a vanilla minecraft world that allows player to enjoy the survival experience with any of the intrusive plugins and toxic playerbase many other servers have.

Meet the OG's

Spawn Image

Sal, Red_Phoenix5, odawgie, GavvyDizzle, DaPointyCactus, SadBeanQueen, CannedYumYums

Check Out Our Server Tour Video

Video by Gavvydizzle